Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2 months. 8 weeks. 60 days.

however you count it down, the nyc marathon is quickly approaching. its pretty insane, really. im ready to kick it back into high gear now that im recovering from sinus surgery and given my shin a few days to rest. admittedly i feel SUPER SHITTY post-op so i havent run since last thursday (its tuesday) but am anxiously looking to start running on thursday. i see the sinus doc tomorrow so hopefully he will have some better news for me. or im dying. which, based on how i feel right this second, wouldnt totally suck.

fingers crossed my follow up appointment with the doc tomorrow will go well.
until then, the countdown continues.......

Thursday, August 29, 2013

end of an era

i officially resigned from maxim today. its been a wild ride these past 10 months but its time to move on. i think my grandfather says it best, "no grass growing under your feet....always has been that way with you, hil...so keep charging on...fun for the rest of the family to share in your success"


so here we are, heading out on another adventure.

updates to come, stories to tell and adventures to be lived. in the meantime, thanks for sticking around!!