...you dont need to rerecord your outgoing voice message 10 times before you deem it acceptable.
...youre actually interested in learning how to save money on car insurance.
...someone asks you about your ex and, instead of ragging on him for two hours straight, you dispatch the matter with a perfectly executed eye roll.
...even though everyone else brags about how much they love dark chocolate, you still like your Snickers and arent afraid to say so.
...it finally dawns on you that waking up with a 102-degree fever means you should keep your sorry ass at home (and that, yes, your coworkers will muddle through without you).
...you no longer find yourself wearing your bikini bottoms some days because you have absolutely, positively no clean undies left.
*...you feel truly grateful for what you have, despite all the stuff (obnoxious in-laws, cellulite, perpetually messy closets) you wish you didnt.
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