Monday, November 30, 2009

love actually

one of my favorite movies!!

i just got a text from him telling me its playing at the arc light tonight (fun, cool, amazing theater here) and he has an extra ticket and wants to invite me. YES PLEASE! omg, im so excited. now im like a 6-year old at work who cant focus.

i posted the movie cover, cause, well, im that excited. and it made my post cooler than just my words :)  haha.

if you havent seen it yet, rent it! and if you have, what did you think? im open to any opinions...if you hated it, thats cool!

1 comment:

Kelley Rees said...

I absolutely LOVE this movie! And it's funny you mentioned it now because driving back to school after Thanksgiving break I listened to the soundtrack in the car. Then in my linguistics discussion my TA played a scene from it. Just a testament to how great a movie it is I guess!