1. maxim spring break
i spent tuesdday-friday in panama city beach florida with team maxim (really just a coworker and myself) throwing one hell of a spring break party! in short, we hung on the beach, got badly sunburned, hung with audrina, saw too many people booty shake it, had too much bribing people to talk to maxim.com and got a shoulder ride from the one and only HONKEY! he also thought anytime was a good time to pick me up...as you can see below. it was a week of too little sleep, too much sun and too much work. craziest part happened on our way home when we boarded a broken plane only to sent off of it for 3 hours as it was fixed. by the love of god we boarded at 730pm, got into atlanta and BOOKED IT (and i mean BOOKED IT) to the other end of the airport to make a 945 connection. into laguardia at 1am to find they lost my bad. SWEET! went home, got up to hit the gym and meet the besties to play and start to mentally prepare for the half marathon!

2. nyc half marathon
13.1 seems to be our thing. and i kind of love that. we wore matching neon green sweatbands and as much green as we could to run the st patricks day new york city half. it was SO COLD but so fun to run with my bestie. the rest of the day was spent visiting friends in bars, going to brunch and hanging out in my apt before i sadly had to say goodbye :)

3. great quote
just came across this quote randomly and had to share it.
4. juice cleanse
two of my coworkers and i are doing a 2-day juice cleanse. its as fun as it sounds. im trying to figure out how im going to hit the gym, do run club and go to a soccer game tomorrow all while juicing but hopefully ill figure it out. haha. its 5 juices and im adding in some celery to munch on and a few sticks of gum to keep my mouth busy. ha, christ.
anyway, as you can see, life has been busy. i wanted to write this and have you read this as a pretty casual entry so im not even going back to edit/proofread. enjoy.
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