ran a little over 9.5 miles this and tried really hard to look around throughout the run and take "it" all in. my legs felt a little fatigued (damn you shin) and it was painfully early in the AM, but i was lucky enough to be out there running. its a pretty miraculous thing when you get to run with the sunrise along the hudson river and smile or wave to your fellow running die hards.
mornings like the one i ran today really force me to reflect on things. the weather was a tad breezy but super humid, so while i was really sweaty the slight breeze and smell of the water helped keep it bearable. running is a privilege, waking up every morning is a privilege, getting older is a privilege. i know. im grateful i can lace up and get out there and run my city. every time i take time to run i know im running with my dads spirit on my shoulders, running with my family and friends' support in my feet and the ultimate love and belief of my mom and brother in my heart. its pretty incredible to feel like youve got the support you need and its so fun to let those people know just how much it means to you.
those new kicks i spoke about? here they are! i replaced the navy laces they came with with neon yellow, cause, well, i love neon. soooooooooo much. i kept the originals tho, you know, for options.
thanks friends and family for the love and support of me. im forever humbled.
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