Monday, July 20, 2015

monday funday

Well summer hit this weekend. like HARD.

I was starting to worry we were experiencing all the summer we were set to experience. Buuuut then a heat wave hit. Like, heat advisory's, stay inside warnings and dehydration scares. I went running, natch.

I learned during my time in Arizona that running in the heat is fun. I know, its sadistic and crazy - but its fun. There is no better feeling (to me) than just going out and getting so sweaty and hot. You get a bit of sun, you sweat out all the bullshit and you finish feeling great. Well, you sweat for hours and endure flushed cheeks, but believe me, you feel great.

As I heal up my shins - a combo of overuse and getting hit in the gym by a crazy biker -  I have been mixing running and walking. Its hard to walk, especially alone, but its been nice. Still aiming to get in a lot of miles, but balancing it with the impact of running and the lower impact of walking.

Soaked - yet SO HAPPY - about Saturdays PR. Love you #26!

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