Thursday, September 13, 2012

my town.

new york city was always a place of such action, excitement and bright lights. as a kid when we would visit i would secretly love the fact that i never had to go anywhere alone...i mean where they hell was i? when my dad would take a business meeting i couldnt believe he knew where to go. he was so calm and self assured. i guess he already knew what i had yet to learn, but was on my way to knowing: nyc is the most amazing city on the planet, you just have to adjust. and adjust i have. 

as that same young girl coming to nyc, i so vividly remember the things that stood out to me.

1. having to walk through a revolving door to get into work. that was something i thought was only in movies. but in real life? wow.
2. times square. rockefeller plaza. the brooklyn bridge. central park. lincoln tunnel. skyscrapers. broadway.
3. shopping in grand central. grand central period.
4. taxis. how amazing! anywhere you want to go you can go. anytime!
5. empire state building. 'nuff said.
6. the today show!
7. my first $10 glass of OJ. welcome to the freakin' big apple, baby!

the thing about nyc is this: you will NEVER be bored. if you are, you are doing something wrong. oh, and it basically means youre boring. and while there are thousands more things that i love and that stand out, those 6 above are pretty meaningful.

this is my backyard. its pretty incredible. i am reminded every day how much excitement and madness is living right outside my door.

these little buggers are great. i have so many fun stories and memories that have happened in one of these. no, theyre not all rated R...get your mind out of the gutter!

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