Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Ever have one of those days where you get really excited about crossing something off your TO DO list — only to then be given 3 more things to add? 
Haha, its starting to feel like this happens every day. 

Busy people problems, amiright?

So the world survived Valentine’s Day! The funny thing is, I actually had a dude this year – well, up until about a week before Valentine’s Day! The day before I was set to attend a Super Bowl party with him — and two of his close friends — he freaked. Freaked about the future (we had been dating for a month) and freaked that his friends would love me and that would suck if we ever broke up.

Him: “well, Hil, what if things don’t work out and they continue to ask about you. I mean that would be sad for everyone – like, what would I say?”
Me: “say what?”

He proceeded to text me that he missed me while he was at the party (I told him he’s confusing) as well as put me on blast for loving running.

Him: “yea hil, so I think youre right. I will never support your running”
Me: “hahaha, ok”

I mean, what else do you say?! We all get one shot at life – and im fully aware mine needs to be spent with athletic, motivated people. If you aren’t in that bucket, I am no for you. No hard feelings.

So, back to the dating pool. Next dude I date will need to be an athlete - I can't handle another dude who just caaaaaaaaant be bothered with a chick who runs. 

Since I dont have a boyfriend, ill just go back to that time I surfed in Hawaii with one of my high school friends who is gorge. Surfs up everyone! Plus, that time some of my fave running friends tackled the snow with me. These were taken 2 months apart - and while I loved both days, Hawaii ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF. 


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