Monday, February 29, 2016

nothing like enjoying a bonus day in february!

today is leap day - well, to everyone and everything except for my watch! its already telling me its 3/1 - which is highly annoying to switch but simultaneously exciting since its basically spring. and no, thats not a challenge to you winter, you can begin to fade away :)

I realize as a passionate runner I will deal with my fair share of aches and pains.  I am fairly certain even doctors believe if we aren’t in some sort of constant state of sore, were not actually runners.
That said, for the past few days (couple of weeks) I have felt uncomfortable sore. basically, my worst fear – nagging patches of tenderness.

I refuse to say its anything more serious than that, for no other reason than the principal of it. 
to help aid (or speed up) recovery I’ve gone to kryotherapy twice. I also havent overdone it – haha, well to me I haven't. But my threshold for what is normal isn’t exactly, well, normal. 

the weather has been mild for a few days which makes it hard to not want to grab a few miles – and I resent not feeling great enough to do so. even though I am a stubborn runner through-and-through, I will take a few days to cross train and see how things go. GAH! 

im so crazy excited its march 1!!! Its finally that time when I start to believe there is a light at the end of the winter tunnel and its not going to be painfully freezing forever. 

heres to feeling healed quickly and all those lucky pennies I’ve found doing their job :)

just a few weekend pics - it was a colorful few days :)

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