Saint Patricks’s Day 2016 looks a lot like 2013 – minus the green. Not quite running a half marathon today, but hoping to cover at least 9 (or, if the stars align, 10).
Regardless, its fun to look back and realize that exactly three years later, a lot of things in my life are the same. My friends, my incredible friends, my passion for running and thinking color is fantastic are all things I still LOVE today.
Until I landed in NYC 5+ years ago, my life was chaotic (my choice) and I avoided building roots at all costs. I lost my dad and I needed to explore the meaning of life. It sounds deep, but its true. Life didn’t make sense to me so I had to go be all over the place to see if I could find – or create – something, anything.
Now that I am in my early thirties, consistency is cool and those I’ve surrounded myself with are my truest and dearest friends. Life still doesn’t make much sense, but im learning how to be strong amidst loss and devastation.
Switching gears a bit, its no secret I love fitness. I mean, I LOOOOOOOOVE fitness. I love sweating and the feeling of pushing my body further than I thought I could go. Recently I took a spin class at a new facility that I had been wanting to try – it not only lived up to my expectations, but wildly exceeded them. Evidently my effort did not go unnoticed. The instructor and I began to follow each other on Instagram and she instantly discovered just how much I love fitness.
She extended an invitation to me to tryout to become an instructor myself. I have always wanted to marry my love of fitness with my full time job (hello runners world).
Hopefully something will come of it – or, at the very least, new friends and new opportunities. If not this exactly, its opened my eyes to wanting to find something like it.
Going after what I want in life – whether it be in business or in fitness - isn’t hard, per se, because every challenge feels worth it. That third pillar of life – love, as its otherwise known – isn’t that way for me. Im not really into being hurt or being vulnerable and that’s basically love. Ha. So im working on that – been dating a bit for the last few months.
Eventually ill just know, right? Well, in the meantime, ill go run. Or box (which I have hilariously been attempting to get better at).
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