Monday, September 14, 2009

happy (belated) one year anniversary!!!

my blog is officially one years old!!!!!! as of august 2009, i have been blogging for a year. i cant believe i missed it. well, actually, i can as i was in the middle of moving 3000 miles from home.

over the past year, this blog has given me more therapy, joy, pain, and perspective than i could have ever imagined. what started off as a suggestion from aunt martha morphed into an amazing passion of mine. it led me to write my book, "heaven couldnt wait" in honor of my dad.
it made me understand that i am human, and will always struggle with life (like any, and all, of you). it made me understand how loved i am, and how much strength and confidence people have in me. it made me laugh and cry, remembering and living through very real feelings.

this blog is something i cant wait to grow. more posts, pictures, stories, and anecdotes will be coming. it will remain a testament to my dad, as he is the reason i began it. little snippets of him will be sure to sneak in here, as i continue to live by celebrating john kelley.

i think back to a year ago: august 2008. wow. first of all, i now have dark hair. something i wasnt sure id ever have! :) i live in los angeles now. i wrote a book. ive grown so much and learned so much about myself. i have been floored at how resilient this family is. we are strong mother fuckers. remember that game, red rover? picture us as a team...noone gets through.

and thats how it will always be!! i cherish the moments i have that allow me to breakdown. i love seeing my moms face light up when we get to hang out! i still get chills when i talk to my dad, and smile ever time i see his face (in pictures). my eyes are always open to hidden clues that he is there and i am pretty obsessed any time i talk with drew.

i could go on and on and on, but i will end this by saying, happy birthday blog! may we enjoy many more years together!!! :) xoxo

1 comment:

skpa said...

excuse me while i have a good cry over this...of joy really